
Here is a list of new and past instructors to give you a taste of classes offered.We strive to provide a unique & diverse group of creative & talented instructors. Soon after you arrive at the gathering you will hear about the classes offered for the week and sign up... old school style. Daily morning announcements happen to help you find classes to jump in on. Don't worry, there are plenty of classes to choose from! 


This offering is an introduction to making a knife blade, or related edge holding tool from scratch. Participants will heat a piece of steel within a charcoal fire till red hot, and with precision blows from a hammer, forge it to shape; which is then further refined by hand with files and stones. Heat treating, and suitable sources of recycled material will be covered, as well as a brief history of ferrous metallurgy.

*This class requires all day focus and commitment, strong hand-eye hammer coordination, and the ability to squat or sit on the ground for long periods of time. It is open to participants sixteen years of age and older.


Bryce Wood

Bryce Wood has been studying and sharing his enthusiasm for blade smithing for over twenty years. He brings a unique low tech approach to blacksmithing seldom seen outside of non-affluent countries. Bryce emphasizes the use of hand tools and the virtues of simplicity as he guides students through the process of making a knife. He makes the dubious claim of being primarily self taught, but has studied with renown knife maker Tai Goo as of late. When not writing bios about himself he likes living off-grid, making stuff, walking, dancing, beachcombing, camping and admiring the beauty that surrounds us.