Youth Activities & Games
The Acorn Gathering is intended to support the youth in their exploration with hands-on and experiential-based learning. With the support of instructors and you, as parents, a sacred and playful space will be provided for the youth to get their hands on various crafts and skills. We work with other instructors at the gathering on how to include the children in experiencing or witnessing the classes that involve learning more complex skills. We want to support every child to explore skills they feel called to. There will be specific instructors supporting 4-7 year olds, 8-12 year olds and 13-16 year olds (give or take on the age). Teens and all youth who feel ready will be encouraged to join adults in classes. Integration is key!
We will have specific instructors offering classes for youth to explore a craft or skill, or have their parent join them to give the instructor support. This will all be announced at each Morning Circle after breakfast and we will write down the Youth Class Schedule daily! BE READY TO BE A PART OF YOUR CHILD'S EXPERIENCE AT ACORN GATHERING!