Guner Tautrim
Here is a list of new and past instructors to give you a taste of classes offered.We strive to provide a unique & diverse group of creative & talented instructors. Soon after you arrive at the gathering you will hear about the classes offered for the week and sign up... old school style. Daily morning announcements happen to help you find classes to jump in on. Don't worry, there are plenty of classes to choose from!
Guner is a jack of all trades! He and his family are local Santa Barbarians and live a healthy life connected to nature's elements. Guner is a master wood worker, craftsman and permaculture educator. He has travelled the work teaching and colloborating with others to learn from nature's systems and resources. He will be offering classes on how to use permaculture design to create vibrant and functional landscapes. These teaching will focus more on the broad acre realm vs. the urban realm.